
Latest version javascript
Latest version javascript

You should not notice any negative consequences to the change, but given how important that mechanism is, it was best to rev the minor version to 2.3. It is now faster and should catch more legitimate dependency cases. The way dependencies are found for the sugared syntax changed slightly in #1582. Without the fix, it causes an error in Node 0.10/0.12. It fixes how the bundled uglifyjs declares the addFile function.

latest version javascript

Only one change from 2.3.0, and it is in the optimizer. There was a change in require.js and a change in the r.js optimizer. alameda 1.1.1 also fixes calling plugin normalization more than once.įixes an issue that prevented the 2.3.x optimizer from running in Java's 8+'s jjs.

latest version javascript latest version javascript

require.js fix for calling plugin normalization more than once. Optimizer updates for esprima and uglify-js dependencies, and a fix for map config used by plugins in builds. Just an update to the optimizer to use Esprima 4.0. Just updates to the optimizer, mainly an update to UglifyJS 2.8.29.

Latest version javascript